Constantine seeks clerk and treasurer

Members of the Constantine Village Council last week discussed the idea of appointing people to fill the positions of clerk and treasurer, instead of electing them.

Village manager Mark Honeysett said no one sought the treasurer position in the Nov. 6 election. He said the treasurer has to be a village resident and at the moment, nobody has expressed interest in the job.

Honeysett said he will post the position in the village’s December newsletter and include it online, as well. Honeysett indicated he reached out to current treasurer Helena Baldwin to see if she will consider serving in the interim, and he is awaiting a reply.

If no one is found by Jan. 1, Honeysett proposed asking village attorney Howard Bush if a village employee can serve.

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  1. The Treasurer’s position had no candidate on the ballot. Village officials had months to advertise for candidates, but nothing was in the news or newsletter or online?

    The Clerk was just re-elected. Her term is good to 2020. Why are they seeking a clerk?

    Two village managers have been trying to appoint for years taking away independent checks and balances. Now, they want to make employees already dependent on compliance for their jobs, the chief record/financial keepers for the people?

    What about the open council seat? People complain about the village council all the time, but can’t be bothered to serve for two years?

  2. Why don’t more people take part in their local governments? I’ve been asking that question for years.

    Maybe if they taught government and civics in school. Local officials could go into the schools to explain what their job(s) entail, show the practicalities, problems, etc. of local governance. The military recruiters have full access to our teens, but not our local officials?

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