COA apartments discussed at county committee meeting

St. Joseph County Commission on Aging Executive Director Pam Riley brought up the issue of security deposits and a separate pet deposit during the county’s executive committee meeting Wednesday.

Riley said both are on her radar in light of recent events.

Riley said 14 residents have pets, which are limited to cats and dogs only.

She said the COA facility is seeing damage to carpet in common areas, which are being cleaned on a regular basis due to pet accidents.

She said COA’s advisory board is recommending a $300, non-refundable pet deposit. Riley said payment plans would be arranged for current tenants. Incoming tenants, however, would have to pay the $300 deposit up front.

The money would be used for restoration-related costs after a pet-owning tenant moves out, as well as in common areas as circumstances warrant.

Meanwhile, Riley said two apartments were recently vacated and left with extensive damage. There is also bad debt of about $5,000 that the COA is attempting to recover through small-claims court. She said $4,300 of that amount is owed from two tenants who had been evicted.

Riley said she would like to hire a maintenance person who can conduct the turnaround work necessary when a tenant leaves a residence and readies the unit for a new occupant. She currently has to contract that work, which is proving repeatedly to be an expensive option, Riley said.

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One comment

  1. Remember the 6 P’s? Prior planning prevents piss poor performance. These are all issues that should have been in place before this even opened for occupancy. Putting people in charge of something they have not had training for and failing to anticipate problems will eventually doom this project. As they say – “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

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