Constantine – School bond election next month

Constantine Public Schools Superintendent Joe Holloway recently hosted an informational session regarding the district’s upcoming bond proposal.

Holloway said if the May 2 request is approved, the district will incur no millage increase, as it would refinance its 2002 bond set to expire in 2029.

If the measure is approved, the district would have $3.9 million to address leaking roofs at Constantine High School and Constantine Middle School, he added.

The district’s most-recent attempts to pass bond proposals – one in November 2021 and another in May 2022 – were defeated by district voters.

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One comment

  1. Leaking roof on a poorly designed and built high school that cost millions of tax dollars to build, more for repairs within 2 years of opening, is impractical in so many ways, all to be a showcase instead of a high functioning school. Adding an auditorium when voters rejected it by slashing remodeling money from the middle school and elementary school plans, making Eastside and the middle school less practical and failing to remove asbestos.
    Why would taxpayers vote yes? For more of the same?
    CARS : Citizens Against Repeated Stupidity

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