Recent Posts

Out and About – Week of April 20

     The Three Rivers Lions Club wishes to thank those who stopped by during their open house this past Friday afternoon and early evening. Future informational events are in the works, so watch this column so that you can plan to attend the next one. For more information on joining the Lions, please contact Lion Dean at 273-8092. My father …

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Out and About – Week of April 13

   I’m a week late, but better late than never, as the saying goes. This month, and every April from now on, is somewhat special to me. In April 2006, the first “Out and About” column appeared in the Commercial News. If your math is as good as mine is, it means that I am starting my fourth year as …

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Out and About – Week of April 6

     This is a special week. If you’re a student here in St. Joe County, you’re on spring break. If you’re a student with money, you’re not here in St. Joe County, but you’re probably contributing to the economy of Florida, Mexico, or some other locale where the sun is shining and the temperature is in the eighties. If you’re …

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Out and About – Week of March 30

 April 1. Besides being “All Fools Day”, it’s also the day that the Three Rivers High School Band and Vocal Music DepartmentS leave on their trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. They have held many fundraisers in order to fund this trip and have been successful in doing so. For that, they thank all of you who supported them …

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Out and About – Week of March 23

     I don’t know about you, but I am very happy that spring has finally arrived. The only positive thing about winter, as far as I’m concerned, is that the snow puts the much- needed nitrogen into the ground. Spring is the time of rebirth. The trees come alive with buds, and it won’t be long before we’ll have the …

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Out and About – Week of March 16

     A very Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all of you. This is the day when we’re all Irish. I don’t plan to consume any green beer, but I will definitely digest some corned beef and cabbage before calling it a day. Several restaurants in town will feature this traditional dish, so today is the day to loosen the belt …

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Out and About – Week of March 9

     I have a favorite quotation that usually accompanies the e-mails I send: “VOLUNTEER…..THE WORLD IS RUN BY THOSE WHO SHOW UP”.  I didn’t make it up, but I got the idea from a bumper sticker I saw. It pretty much sums up what I believe. I wish I had more spare time. Perhaps I should consider rearranging my priorities. …

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Out and About – Week of March 2

     Welcome to March 2009. The first two months of this year will not be forgotten soon. Let’s hope that this month will definitely march us into the spring season. As the weather turns warmer, it’s so nice to see the more energetic out walking their dogs or running with their i-pods. Then there are some of us who get …

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Out and About for week of Feb. 23

     In December 1944, Glenn Miller was killed in a plane crash. It has been rumored that,  had Glenn Miller not died at that time, rock and roll might have been delayed by about twenty years. We’ll never know if this would have turned out to be true, but we do know that his music is still alive and well. …

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Out and About for week of Feb. 16

 I hope that everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day. I was very fortunate to receive twelve special cards from my best friend. I used to wonder how someone could say, “Just give me a card. I don’t need a present.” It’s amazing that, as you grow older, cards seem to mean so much. They don’t wear out or break, you …

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