
Homes needed for unwanted pets

A pet-adoption organization based in Sturgis is seeking homes for several displaced or unwanted pets, as it is ceasing operations. Pet Haven, which started in the 1980s, has struggled with financial obligations, hastening its end, according to founder Lois Rosenburg. The non- profit organization, which does not have a permanent site, operates from volunteer foster homes that keep animals until …

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Clinic moving to new location

The Three Rivers Health Family Care Clinic in White Pigeon is moving to a building its staff members hope will better accommodate the health needs of the community. The new location, a building that used to house Village Pharmacy, on the east side of White Pigeon, is undergoing renovations to feature eight examining rooms, a lab with a draw station, …

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Commission revises policy

The St. Joseph County Board of Commissioners last week adopted a revised policy regarding the weather-related closure of county offices and buildings. In light of a two-day closing earlier this month due to snow and cold, the commission last week agreed that the decision to close county government will be made with input from the county board chairman, road commission …

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Substantial cost of snowstorm

The snowstorm that brought St. Joseph County to a standstill earlier this month came with a substantial price tag. Christopher Bolt, engineer/manager for the St. Joseph County Road Commission, said it’s estimated the agency spent nearly $225,000 during the seven-day period that began with the start of the storm Jan. 4. An average winter week will cost the agency about …

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Tires stolen from Vetter’s

Four tires and rims were stolen from a vehicle at Vetter’s Chevrolet in Three Rivers Wednesday. State police investigators said the incident was reported around 8 a.m. and occurred overnight. The 18-inch tires and rims were taken from a Chevrolet “All-Star Edition” pickup truck.

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Snowy owls are a problem

Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids has a problem with snowy owls that see their property as a source for food. Airport officials say they’ve shot and killed nine owls so far to avoid a disaster. The large birds fly low to the ground and can damage an airplane, creating a serious safety hazard. Tara Hernandez, the airport’s …

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Another flu death

A third death in Kalamazoo County is being blamed on the flu. Health officials say the latest victim had multiple underlying medical issues. All three Kalazmazoo County flu victims were over the age of 50. A flu-related death was also confirmed last week in Van Buren County.  (MRN)

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WMU med student is still missing

The disappearance of a Western Michigan University medical student continues to baffle police. Kalamazoo County Sheriff Richard Fuller says they have no idea where Dr. Teleka Patrick is at this time. Fuller said it appears the 30-year-old resident at Borgess Medical Center left Kalamazoo willingly on December 5th and was headed to a relative’s home in Chicago. He added that …

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United Way campaign

The St. Joseph County United Way is in the homestretch of its 2014 campaign, and its executive director is appealing to the public for help with a final push. Kelly Hostetler said financial donations for the current campaign will be accepted through Jan. 31. With a goal of $740,000 – the local United Way’s largest ever – the campaign is …

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Relocation of historic building

The Newell A. and Grace A. Franks Fund, held by the Sturgis Area Community Foundation, is leading the way for the facelift and relocation of Sturgis’ historic depot building later this year. Working with the Sturgis Historical Society, Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce and the city of Sturgis, the Newell and Grace Franks Fund is offering grant funds for the …

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