Around Town


Roscoe is a handsome male husky mix, between 4 and 5 years of age and 50 lbs. He has been fixed. This beautiful blue eyed boy is very sweet and gentle. He loves to just hang out and get lots of attention. He enjoys playing with soft toys. His docket # is 11263. You can visit Roscoe and other adoptable …

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Out and About – Week of March 11th

How many of you forgot to set your clocks ahead one hour last Saturday, before going to bed? At 2AM Sunday morning, Daylight Savings Time began. This means that we will be enjoying one more hour of daylight every day. This is usually an indication that spring weather will soon be here. Remember last March, when we experienced 80 degree …

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Lilly is my name and I am a female black lab mix with very cute, big ears. I am about 4-6 months old, and from the looks of my feet I will not be a large lab. The ladies say I am ready for some training – I already come when I am called. I am available to adopt right …

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Out and About – Week of March 4th

My wife has always done the grocery shopping for the two of us. Her father did the family grocery shopping when my wife was growing up. He had a method of shopping that worked very well, so my wife’s mother let him do his thing. My wife inherited his grocery shopping traits, such as always making sure you have a …

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Hi, my name is Twilight and I am a male tiger about 10 months old. I have a little motor and I like to snuggle and purr; all you need to get me started is simply rub my fur. The ladies say I am a very sweet boy. I am available to adopt right now so please come and see …

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Out and About – Week of February 25th

We recently attended the Lions of Michigan Forum in Lansing. It’s an annual gathering of Lions from all over the state of Michigan. It runs from Friday evening through about mid-afternoon on Saturday. The Forum consists of about a dozen breakout sessions, from which we may choose to attend. A very educational day or so, plus we have the opportunity …

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Hi, my name is Bain and I am a male lab mix about 6 months old. I have a beautiful brindle coat and can sit on command. I’m very friendly and loving, but I am a little afraid of car noises. I’m sure if I have a safe home I will get over that. I am available to adopt right …

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Suffering from presentee-ism

I read with interest a story in the Wall Street Journal last week that was titled “Go Ahead, Hit the Snooze Button.” I love sleep. I love sleeping in even more. But I never use the snooze button. My wife, on the other hand, is just the opposite. I usually set my alarm to go off about 6:40 a.m. If …

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Out and About – Week of February 18

Hopefully, you’ve noticed a slight change in this column. I’ve tried to make it a little more personal, without telling it all. You won’t find as many listings of coming events. Oh, I’ll mention some of course, but there won’t be as many as before. I’ll do my best to keep this column upbeat and more positive. I’d like it …

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Black Lab

I am a black lab/border collie mix and I am about 3 years old. I’ve been at Animal Control since January, so I am really hoping someone will come and take me to their home. I’m very friendly and I like to fetch a tennis ball and bring it back to you. The ladies at A.C. say I am very …

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